Everything a small business owner needs to keep track of their bottom line!
Prairie West Business Services is committed to providing creative and scalable solutions for every customer. We know that each customer is different, which is why all of our 1-on-1 Training Sessions are customized to your business.

Don't waste time in a classroom learning about topics you won't use!
Our 1-on-1 QuickBooks Training is designed specifically for small businesses. Each 4-hour session covers everything from setting your books up properly, understanding your work flow to help get better records and training you on what YOU need to do to keep on top of your accounting data.
We come to you, work with your data and software setup.
We enter your actual data, using your bills and invoices so when the session is over, you actually have data entered!
We ensure what you've already done is done correctly and show you how to fix what isn't.
We show you how to enter data correctly and efficiently.
We explain financial reports, government remitting requirements and payroll issues too.
One 4-hour session is the equivalent of a full day class with regards to information absorbed. Since we work with your level of comfort, a second 4-hour session may be required for more advanced topics. The first session would be similar to a level one classroom session, the second would be the advanced session.
Be prepared for homework! We usually don't have time to enter all your backlog of information, so you will have work to do when we're done.
Sessions are booked in 4-hour increments. Each session is $500 + GST and payment is due upon registration.
Sessions are 1-on-1, only one student per session. One additional student may be added for a $250 surcharge.
For more information, please email sharon@prairiewestbusiness.ca or use the form below to signup.

Please note that the training date will be confirmed by us via email and is not confirmed until then. Payment is required once date is confirmed and can be paid either online or by etransfer. A separate email will be received for date confirmation and payment. Please note this training is designed for one person. A second person can be added only at the discretion of the company and at an additional cost.